suke ta suke, tuless jeeerk . . FOP oouuhhh FOP. .best ke kw? ? xD


jawapan ! (:

msok cls, nmpk je kak lia n kak syezza, aq tros join dorang.. discuss cmne na wt jwpn utk questions yg mis bg last week.. actually num 1 nan 2 aq da wt da.. tp ade salah siket.. tQ kak syezza sbb da tego part mne yg sala.. ok jom bwat jwpn.. hee

1) a) 5 * 2 % 3 + 25 / 5
        = (5 * 2) % 3 + (25 / 5)  settle bhgi nan darab dlu
        = (10 % 3) + 5  settle modulus dlu
        = 1 + 5
        = 6

   b) a = 5 , b = 6
       !(( a < 3 ) & & ( a = = 3 ) | | ( b > 9 ))
       = !(( 5 < 3 ) & & ( 5 = = 3 ) | | ( 6 > 9 ))   msok kn nilai a nan b dlu
       = !((    0   ) & & (     0     ) | | (    0    ))   tntukan true / 1 or false / 0
       = !((    0   ) & & (     0     ) | | (    0    ))   settle kn & & dlu
       = !((    0    ) | | (    0    ))   br settle kn | |
       = !(0)   klu not / !, kne tebalek kn
       = 1 / True

2) Identify the syntex error in the following program
    include<iostream.h>  x letak simbol #
    mai()  ejaan sala, tetinggal hruf n
     float allowance=300.00,salary;
    cout<<''Input Salary=";
    cin>salary;  sala simbol, ptot nye >>
    Tsalary=Sallary+Allowance;  formula sala, hruf T x perlu ade
    cout<<"salary is="<<salary;  lpas output, kne ltax return 0;

     float allowance=300.00,salary;
    cout<<''Input Salary=";
    cout<<"salary is="<<salary;
    return 0;

3) FORMULA : working_days=day_of_month-non_working_days
    //declare variable
    float day_of_month;
    float non_working_days;
    float daily_salary;
    float working_days;
    float monthly_salary;
    //input 1
    cout<<"total day of that month=";
    //input 2
    cout<<"non working days is about =";
    //input 3
    cout<<"daily salary is=";
    //formula 1
    //output 1
    cout<<"total working days is ="<<working_days;
    //formula 2
    //output 2
    cout<<"the monthly salary is ="<<monthly_salary;
    return 0;

4) FORMULA : total = num 1 + num 2 + num 3 + num 4 + num 5
                       average = total / 5
    //declare variable
    float num1;
    float num2;
    float num3;
    float num4;
    float num5;
    float total;
    float average;
    //input 1
    cout<<"enter num1";
    //input 2
    cout<<"enter num2";
    //input 3
    cout<<"enter num3";
    //input 4
    cout<<"enter num4";
    cout<<"enter num5";
    //formula 1
    //output 1
    //formula 2
    //output 2
    return 0;

5) FORMULA : area of rectangle = height * width
                        area of circle = 3.14 * radius * radius
                        area of triangle = 0.5 * height * base
    //declare variable
    float height;
    float width;
    float radius;
    float base;
    float area_of_rectangle;
    float area_of_circle;
    float area_of_triangle;
    //input 1
    cout<<"enter height";
    //input 2
    cout<<"enter width";
    //input 3
    cout<<"enter radius";
    //input 4
    cout<<"enter base";
    //formula 1
    //output 1
    cout<<"the area of rectangle is="<<area_of_rectangle;
    //formula 2
    //output 2
    cout<<"the area of circle is="<<area_of_circle;
    //formula 3
    //output 3
    cout<<"the area of triangle is="<<area_of_triangle;
    return 0;

last week nye class..

hahahaha ! last week nye cls klaka gyle kot.. niy sume sbb CHINGAY laa.. ramay yg niat tanak dtg cls.. sbb sume jln tutop.. jammed gyle babay !! hahaha aq pon smpay cls kol 7p.m.. egt tanak dtg gak, tp tkot mis aja topic br.. tpakse la pegi jugaaak.. hmm da smpay cls tuh, ad jugak la yg dtg.. tp mcm ta smpay 10 org pn yg dtg.. mis ckp na aja new chapter, tp ktorng tanak.. sbb cian kt kwn yg len yg ta pat dtg.. t dorang ta paam, mis na kne aja balek.. cian kt mis jugak kn.. hmm so ktorng request bwat exercise lg bgos.. mis pon stujuuuuu ! (: mis tulis kt white board 5 questions.. pastuh mis tgl ktorg.. mis suh ciapkn.. ktorng pon salin laaa.. knon na wt.. tp mseng mseng wt muke comel sbb tataw na wt.. haha blur la korang kt cituhh..!

1) Solve the question below
    Solve the working
    a) 5 * 2 % 3 + 25 / 5
    b) a = 5 , b = 6
        !(( a < 3 ) & & ( a = = 3 ) | | ( b > 9 ))

2) Identify the syntex error in the following program
     float allowance=300.00,salary;
    cout<<''Input Salary=";
    cout<<"salary is="<<salary;

3) Write a program that will calculate the monthly salary for an employee that where
    Saturday and Sunday are considered as non-working days.

4) Write a program that calculates the average of 5 numbers that can be input by user.

5) Write a program that will calculate the area of rectangular, triangle and circle.

da abes salen, ktorng wt sme sme.. wt discussion nk crik jwpn.. soklan 1 nan 2 sng la jgk.. tp 3 4 5 tuh mcm pening siket sbb gune programming.. lme jgk ktorng dscuss tp ta dpt dpt gak.. smpay mis da msok cls.. mis tye knp ta ciap ag.. haha ktorng ckp susa.. ta paam.. mis trng kn cmne na wt.. pastuh mis tgl ktorng ag.. mis ckp kol 8.30p.m msty siap at least 3soklan.. tp malangnyeeeer b4 kol 8 ag ktorng da angkat kaki dr cls tuh.. sume tkot jln tutop, then taley balek.. sume pack brg, switch off lmpu, lock pintu, pegi blik lecturer.. wt muke ksian ckp kt mis "misssssss ktorang na balekkkk ! ): tkot jln sume tutop..takan na tydo cosmo" haha mis speechless then ckp ok la ok la.. "ok tq miss...BYE !" :D:D